Tuesday 2 October 2012

Gert lush

Life is pretty darn good at the moment. In the last two weeks I have found a place I love, scored a top job and have a new home. Sunny Nelson is beautiful and I don't want to leave!

I started my stay here at a cute little hostel called Shortbread Cottage. Every day the shortbread elves would leave a piece of shortbread on your bed which was nice. I suspect that the shortbread elves were in fact the nice Japanese girls who were working at the hostel. I taught them some English whilst I was there in a language lesson of sorts. They learnt the very useful words weasel and owl.

Whilst it was lovely at the hostel and I was being helpful teaching English, I'd reached my fill of shared rooms and so was only too happy to move on once I got myself a job. The delights of having your own room are appreciated all the more after a time of observing the slightly tiring unwritten hostel etiquette rules or getting pissed off at those that don't. What a joy to know random people aren't going to wake you up at all hours or being able to come in and turn the light on. Although I am pretty good at moving around, locating items and getting dressed in the dark now. Not so good that I didn't notice my top was on inside out one time though. It happens to us all! 

So I not only love my new room because I can get dressed with the light on and avoid embarrassing inside out moments but also because this is my view..... 

This picture doesn't do it justice, it is hands down the most beautiful place I have ever lived. I get lulled to sleep by the sound of the river and have taken to flinging my curtains back with joy in the morning. I don't think I ever did that in Gateshead, although to be fair I had blinds so I would have had to wind them excessively fast to get the same effect. My new housemates are awesome, the third room was filled last night and we ended up sat round the kitchen table drinking wine/beer/cider and playing increasingly complicated card games until the wee hours. Maybe the drink had something to do with the complicatedness. 

So finally my new job, I'm working at Lush. I love it. It's like my dream job, working in a happy, glittery, beautiful environment with happy, glittery (perk/hazard of the job) people. I do worry I will spend all my wages on products however. Moderation Kasia, that's the key. 

So life is pretty darn good, or gert lush as they say back in my neck of the woods. I'm sure that I can make it catch on in my new neck of the woods too. Stay tuned for tales of Nelson life, maybe I should rename the blog Kasia's Nelson Column?